The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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[This is a document Rayan and I whipped up to answer some of the
queries about map entries -- hopefully, it'll reduce the number of
map entries that need to be manually corrected and fixed up. We
would appreciate it if the old hands at the map entry game also read
this to see if we missed anything or got it wrong. - Mark.]
The UUCP map is a database of information about hosts that communicate
by UUCP. The primary purpose is to document possible routes for
mail. When the "pathalias" program is run on the UUCP map data, it
outputs the most efficient path from a specified host (usually your
own) to all other hosts listed in the map. Most ``smart'' mail
programs on the UUCP network can use the pathalias output to route mail
without the user having to specify explicit routes.
Registering your site
To register a site in the UUCP map, fill out an entry in the format
described below, and mail it to the registry address.
Canadian sites should mail to
or, if the time of first registration is critical to reserve a name, to
Do not send to both, as the only function of rutgers!uucpmap is to record
your submission and retransmit it to utai!path. If you wish to register
your site as a subdomain under the Canadian top-level domain (.CA), please
contact utai!registry or registry@cs.toronto.edu for information.
Format of a map entry
A generic UUCP map entry looks like:
#N sitename[, sitenames, domains]
#S manufacturer machine model; [operating system & version]
#O organization name
#C contact person(s) name(s)
#E contact person(s) electronic mail address(es)
#T contact person(s) telephone number(s)
#P organization's address
#L latitude / longitude
#R optionally a one line remark
#U netnews neighbors separated by spaces [more than one such line
#U is ok if you have more neighbours than will fit on one line]
#W address of the person who last edited the entry ; date last edited
# additional comments go here. As many lines as you want.
# Equivalencing your site to a domain name is optional -- if
# you want to register a domain name, do so with the
# proper authorities running the domain in question.
sitename .domain(LOCAL)
sitename remote1(FREQUENCY), remote2(FREQUENCY),
The lines beginning with '#' are comments to pathalias, which will
ignore them. Lines beginning with '#' immediately followed by an
upper case letter have specific formats and are used by other programs
that process map data. Lines beginning with '#' immediately followed
by a space or tab are comments that are ignored.
The #[letter] must be followed by a TAB character (ASCII code 011
octal, often represented as \t in C programs and some documents) -- do
not use spaces instead.
Keep all lines to under 80 columns -- the maps have to be sent through
machines that can be actively hostile to long lines.
Examples of map entries:
[These examples were taken from the maps in October 1990. They do
not reflect the current status of those sites]
The first example, for site "iceman", is a simple map entry -- it has
a single UUCP connection to another site, "alberta".
#N iceman
#S AT&T UNIX-pc 3B1; SYSV Rel. 2 Ver. 3.51
#O private site
#C Michel Adam
#E iceman!michel
#T +1 403 920 8792
#P 301 Ptarmigan, 42 Con Rd., Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada X1A 1X6
#L 62 27 43 N / 114 26 04 W
#W iceman!michel (Michel Adam); Wed Mar 7 00:31:25 MST 1990
iceman alberta(DAILY)
Site "tmsoft", the second example, is a slightly more complicated map
entry. It has a lot of UUCP feeds for both mail and news,
more than one modem, and therefore prioritizes its links.
#N tmsoft
#S National Semiconductor ICM3216; Unix System 5r2
#O TM Software Associates Inc., Toronto
#C Dave Mason
#E ryescs!mason, tmsoft!mason
#T +1 416 463 7095
#P 92 Gough Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4K 3N8
#L 79 23 15 W / 43 39 20 N
#R Compiler & Operating System Development
#U torsqnt mnetor beaudin itcyyz masnet yrloc becker telly
#W tmsoft!mason (Dave Mason); Wed Jul 11 19:18:31 EDT 1990
# System Software development & Consulting, Teaching
# We archive comp.sources.{unix,misc,x,games}
# in the following: WP - we poll, TP - they poll, BP - bidirectional poll
# LOW=1200bps, HIGH=19200bps Telebit
tmsoft attcan(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail
aucs(WEEKLY+LOW), # WP - mail, news: atl,ns,hfx
becker(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, news: inet,ut,uw,ddn,pubnet,biz
beaudin(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, full news
compugen(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail
compus(DIRECT), # BP - mail
eci386(DIRECT), # BP - mail
gate(DIRECT), # BP - mail
grandison(POLLED), # TP - mail, some news
ipsax(HOURLY*2+HIGH), # TP - mail
itcyyz(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, full news
lsimages(POLLED), # TP - mail, some news
lsuc(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, news: ont,tor
magsta(DIRECT), # WP - mail
masnet(POLLED), # TP - mail, 1/2 news, CanConfMail
mnetor(DIRECT+FAST-1), # BP - mail, full news bidirectional
moore(DIRECT+HIGH), # WP - mail
ontmoh(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, minimal news
psican(DIRECT), # BP - mail
roboha(DIRECT), # BP - mail, news: can,ont,tor
ryescs(DIRECT), # TP - mail, most news (coming soon)
stjoes(DIRECT), # WP - mail
teecs(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail
telly(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, news: can,ont,tor
torsqnt(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail, full news bidirectional
utcsri(DIRECT+HIGH), # WP - mail
utgpu(DIRECT+HIGH), # WP - mail
utzoo(DIRECT+HIGH), # BP - mail
yrloc(DIRECT+HIGH), # TP - mail
yunexus(DIRECT+HIGH), # WP - mail
yzrnur(POLLED), # TP - mail
ziebmef(DIRECT) # BP - mail back from the dead...?!?
The third example is of a site that has associated domain names in
different domains, several long distance feeds and connects via a Local
Area Network to several other sites. See the pathalias manual page
for details about Local Area Networks.
#N watmath
#S DEC VAX-11/785; 4.3 BSD UNIX
#O Math Faculty Computing Facility, University of Waterloo
#C Bill Ince
#E watmath!postmaster
#T +1 519 885 1211 x2721
#P 200 University Avenue, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
#L 43 28 N / 80 23 W city
#R Main U. of Waterloo mail/news/admin site
#U alberta att dalcs decvax focsys isishq iuvax
#U looking lsuc mks onfcanim ncrwat ria softart
#U ubc-cs utgpu uunet xenitec
#W watmath!gamiddleton (Guy Middleton); Wed Aug 22 19:43:05 EDT 1990
watmath .uwaterloo.ca, .waterloo.edu
watmath = watmath.uwaterloo.ca, watmath.waterloo.edu
watmath = math.uwaterloo.ca, math.waterloo.edu
watmath = uwaterloo.ca, waterloo.edu
# Local phone calls
focsys(EVENING), isishq(EVENING), looking(HOURLY), mgvax(WEEKLY),
mks(HOURLY), ncrwat(EVENING), softart(EVENING), stoga(EVENING),
tslwat(EVENING), watcomsys(EVENING), watcsc(DIRECT), xenitec(EVENING),
# Ontario LD
lsuc(EVENING), utzoo(EVENING),
# Canada LD
decvax(DAILY), linus(DAILY+LOW), plus5(DAILY),
# Ontario Internet
ria(HOURLY), utai(HOURLY),
# Canada Internet
alberta(HOURLY), calgary(HOURLY), dalcs(HOURLY), <ubc-cs>(DEMAND),
# USA Internet
<iuvax>(HOURLY), uunet(HOURLY/2),
# Logical U of Waterloo LAN, well-known nodes only
WaterlooNet = {
maytag, # uucp hub
wataco, # Arts computing
watacs, watlager, watmad, watimp,
watale, # General engineering research
watbun, # Software Development
watcgl, # Computer Graphics R&D
watcsg, watbank, # R&D
watdcs, # Academic computing
watdragon, watyew, # AI
water, # Research
watmsg, # Research in distributed systems
watpix, # Arts computing
watrose, watshine, orchid, # Teaching
watsol, # New OED
watstat, # Statistics
watvlsi, ccng # VLSI and CCNG depts.
Note that a large site listing internal hosts like this is frowned on.
In general, internal hosts should not be mentioned in the UUCP map unless
they do not use an organizational domain name for outgoing mail. Any host
that gateways between the UUCP network at large, and your organization,
should have its own UUCP map entry.
Each field in the map entry is documented in detail in the README
file posted periodically to comp.mail.maps. The following
notes are add